1 – Cosmic Intelligence Agency (CIA Short) 4:08
2000 / Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page / Produced with Yamaha CS30.
2 – Langage Machines 7:53
2000 / Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page / A “Stack Overflow Mix” of this track was once available on MP3.com, but it remains unsure if both tracks were in fact the same. Confirmation required.
3 – Langage Machines (Short Edit) 4:40
2000 / Source: Once available on MP3.com / “A TB303 + 2 TeeBees + 1 MS10. This is the ‘short’ (4’40) version for download”.
4 – Neuroblivion 5:12
Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page
5 – Nylon & Kevlar 5:12
2000 / Source: Available for listening on the project’s Myspace page / “Happy Trance at 147 BPM”.
6 – ProtoHype (V3.0) 5:35
2000 / Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page
7 – Remember The Future 4:35
Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page
8 – Sound Fiction 5:49
Source: Once available for listening on the project’s Myspace page
9 – Screwed Rivers 9:08
Source: Once available for listening on the project’s Myspace page
10 – The Bedroom Visitors 4:38
2000 / Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page
11 – The Godphaser 4:17
2000 / Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page / “Smooth and easy 132 BPM space trip” / A “Core Leon Mix” of this track was once available on MP3.com, but it remains unsure if both tracks were in fact the same. Confirmation required.
12 – The Polar Droid 4:48
Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page
13 – Un Ange Passe 6:12
Source: Available for listening on the project’s Soundcloud page
• “‘EmTu’ is to be pronounced something like ‘M2’. In French it means ‘Do you like?'”
• Info for ‘Cosmic Intelligence Agency’, ‘LangageMachines (Short Edit)’, ‘Nylon & Kevlar’, ‘ProtoHype (V3.0)’, ‘The Bedroom Visitors’, ‘The Godphaser’ by Cosmogenesis
• Info/samples for ‘Nylon & Kevlar’, ‘Sound Fiction’, ‘Screwed Rivers’ by Despina AstralFairy Kanellopoulou
• Info for all other tracks; samples by Levvon Lleeg