Band Tapes:
01 – Amawai 7:27
Early version of Ramawai / Exists in 5 different mixes.
02 – Alien Belt 5:22
Early version of the track later known as Alien Bell
03 – Alien Bell (Soft Mix) 6:32
One remix of the track.
04 – Alien Bell (Remix) 6:29
Another remix of the track.
05 – SDF (Different Mix) 6:30
One mix was released on the debut album on DAT Records, one remains unreleased.
06 – Ascension (Alternate Mix) 6:44
One mix was released on the debut album on DAT Records, one remains unreleased.
07 – Looping World (Alternate Mixes) 7:32
1997-98 / Other Source: Greek DAT / Exists in 2 different mixes including a very experimental version of 8:51
08 – Looping World (Remix) 8:12
Exists in 2 different mixes
09 – New Future (Remix) 7:34
Exists in 2 different mixes
10 – Access Denied 6:46
Exists in 4 Mixes, including an alternate version of 6:26
11 – Above The Clouds 6:19
Exists in 2 more different unreleased mixes
12 – U.T. 9:35
13 – Tantra 7:24
Exists in 3 different mixes
14 – Ultimate (Early Mix) 5:38
15 – Japanese Fight (Mix 1) 5:52
Exists in another unreleased mix and features the same samples in Japanese used in the track Ultimate. As explained by the band, this track was created right after it.
16 – Storm 6:23
Exists in 2 different unreleased mixes
17 – Unknown 14 9:05
Exists in 6 different versions ranging from 8:29 to 9:05
18 – Messenger 6:52
Exists in 2 different mixes
19 – New 5:11
20 – Dreamtime (Alternate Mix) 6:21
A very different version of the released track, ending with chants. The released version, on DAT, has a length of 8:00
21 – Unknown 1 6:03
22 – Unknown 2 7:38
23 – Unknown 3 7:11
24 – Unknown 4 6:47
25 – Greta 7:49
26 – Orient Express (Final Mix) 7:35
Exists in 3 different early mixes (Unknown 5) and 5 different unreleased final mixes, as the sixth was used for the album release.
27 – White Moon (Alternate Mixes) 6:41
Exists in 2 more unreleased mixes / Appeared on other DAT tapes between 1996-1998 / Other Sources: French, Greek DAT / Also, appears incorrectly as ‘Anjuna’.
28 – White Moon (Remix) 7:27
Exists in 2 different mixes
29 – Mermaid Story 7:26
Exists in 3 different mixes
30 – Unknown 8 4:54
31 – Unknown 9 4:19
32 – Mantra (Alternate Mixes) 6:20
Exists in 2 different mixes and 4 different recordings
33 – Ellipsoid 8:01
Exists in 2 more different unreleased mixes
34 – Unknown 11 4:12
35 – Track 1 5:16
Exists in 2 different recordings
36 – Track 2 8:01
Experimental acid track
37 – Acid Track 6:14
Experimental acid track, exists in 2 mixes
38 – Unknown 15 7:22
Exists in 7 different recordings of 2 different mixes.
39 – Mega Killer 9:04
Very different track from productions of the era, and clearly influenced by the sound of X-Dream
40 – Eternal Pollution 7:10
Exists in 7 different mixes
41 – Holophonia (Holophonic Vibration) Remix
Unknown length, as the tape broke down after 3 minutes recording it. Clearly a much more elaborated and complex remix of the track.
41 – Untitled (Bass Gate) 8:01
Exists in 3 different mixes
42 – Track 1 6:17
Exists in 2 different mixes
43 – Fire (Alternate Mixes) 6:10
Exists in 2 different unreleased mixes
44 – Octogram (Mix 1) 6:13
Circulated also in Finnish DAT circles, exist in one unreleased mix.
45 – Track 3 4:19
46 – Track 5 13:07
A looped track (continuously recording) that has similarities to 51 Pegasi b (Sound Check) and Radioactive Joke.
47 – Track 6 6:38
48 – Nothing Else Matters (Alternate Mixes) 7:20
1996-97 / Other Sources: Greek & UK circles / Exists in 3 mixes / Appears also as ‘Never Circus’ and as ‘Happy Lovely People’
49 – Track 9 5:23
More tracks existed among the 26 tapes sent by the band, but some were heavily damaged and some broke down in the middle of ripping. Various techniques have been tried to save the most possible material and in some cases, a miracle recovery could save some tracks, but alas, over 10 unique tracks were lost, these are not listed.
Notes about Released tracks:
Radio Disjoncted circulated also as “Replica Land” on dat tapes.
Astral circulated mistakenly as “Transwave vs Avi – No Name”
51 Pegasi b circulated as “Sound Check” and incorrectly as ‘Alien Bell’ on one tape.
French Collector Tapes
Those tracks below, were found mainly on the DAT tapes of a French collector that lived with the band for a brief period of time in the 90’s. Different track sources, mentioned under each track.
50 – Alien In The Bathroom 4:44
51 – Ascension 6:32
The shorter mix remains unreleased, an Extended Mix was used for the album release.
52 – Twilight 8:47
Source: Greek DAT circles / Unconfirmed track
53 – New Fantasy
This track was listed on a tape but not found, due to the tape being misplaced
54 – No Gate 9:23
This track was listed on a tape but not found due to the tape being misplaced
Other Tracks
These tracks were sent by the band to DAT Records but the era of production is uncertain, thus listed below.
55 – 3G 5:01
Possibly a modern production of the band
56 – Minimal Light 9:23
It is unclear if this track could be the track listed as “No Gate” as the length matches. A track in the genre of minimal techno
57 – No Name 15 6:13
Possibly a modern production of the band
58 – UV Aqua 5:10
Possibly a very old production of the band
59 – Odd’s & GGG – B.P. (Extended Mix) 9:00
Source: DAT from the Band. Exists in 4 different mixes, varying in length, one of which was released.
60 – Odd’s & GGG – B.P. (Remix) 8:24
Source: DAT from the Band.
61 – Gangguru & Mad Stof – Mad Max V 7:35
Exists in 3 different mixes
62 – Gangguru & Mad Stof – Radioactive Joke 8:11
Exists in 6 different mixes
63 – Gangguru & Mad Stof – Acid String 8:17
64 – Gangguru & Mad Stof – En Oltem Meg (Different Mix) 9:03
1997 or earlier / Source: DAT from Greek DJ / Circulated also as “Stof Beat”
65 – Gangguru & Mad Stof – En Oltem Meg (Remix) 7:21
Exists in 3 different mixes
66 – Gangguru & Mad Stof – Guitar Track 7:37
• The track that appears on DAT as “Gang Guru – Jungle Garden” is actually an unreleased edit of a track by Odd’s & Yan.
• The released track ‘Dreamtime’ appeared on some DAT wrongly named as “Gang Guru – Mantra” which is actually an unreleased by the band.
• The track that appears on DAT as “Gang Guru – Hide” is actually the released track ‘Three-State Logic – Coordinates Collision Course’.
• According to Pierre Branet, Frank Murdock was a member of the group only for the track “Ultimate“, but took no part in any other creation.
• Info/sample for ‘Looping World’ by Aidaho
• Source/sample for ‘Mantra’ by Cosmogenesis
• Alternate name for ‘White Moon’; info/date/source/samples for ‘Alien Bell’, ‘Radio Disjoncted’, ‘Stuff Beat’, ‘Sound Check’, ‘White Moon’ by DJ Sunborn
• Alternate name/info/sample for ‘Ramawai’ by Stratos Rezwalker
• Samples for ‘Happy Lovely People’, ‘No Name 1’ by Kwulf
• Samples for ‘Floppy’, ‘No Name 3’, ‘No Name 4’ by Ridge Suomäki
• Identification for ‘Hide’ by Despina AstralFairy Kanellopoulou
• Info/sample for ‘En Definitif’; correct name for ‘Replica Land’ by Loic
• Info for ‘Acid String’, ‘Alien In The Bathroom’, ‘Ascension’, ‘Astral’, ‘Dragon Cry’, ‘Eternal Production’, ‘Floppy’, ‘Hectogram’, ‘Hexogram’, ‘Mad Max’, ‘Moon Dust’, ‘New Fantasy’, ‘No Gate’, ‘Pentagram’, ‘Radio Edit Joke’, ‘Running, ‘Tse Tse’, ‘No Name 2’, ‘White Moon’ by Ludovic Engel Tymen
• 26 DAT tapes of the band ripped & analysed; page organised and updated by Draeke
• Pierre Branet contacted by Cosmogenesis and DJ Sunborn