1 – Laboratory X – Bio Hazard 7:02
1997 / Source: Once available for download in WAV format on the artist’s Soundcloud page / “Written in Buzz Tracker”
1997 / Source: Once available for download in WAV format on the artist’s Soundcloud page / “Written in Buzz Tracker”
2 – Laboratory X feat Dimitri Titoff – Free Fall 5:03
1999 / Source: Once available for download in WAV format on the artist’s Soundcloud page / “Written in Buzz Tracker”
1999 / Source: Once available for download in WAV format on the artist’s Soundcloud page / “Written in Buzz Tracker”
3 – Laboratory X – Intro 2:39
1998 / Source: Once available for download on the artist’s Soundcloud page / Intro for the unreleased album titled “Goa Land”
1998 / Source: Once available for download on the artist’s Soundcloud page / Intro for the unreleased album titled “Goa Land”
• Info/samples by Despina AstralFairy Kanellopoulou