1 – Namah Shivaya 12:06
2000-2001 / Source: Once available on tracker sites
2 – Oxalic Acid 7:17
2000-2002 / Source: The artist
3 – Sedate The Moon 11:17
2000 / Source: The artist
4 – Spiritual Apperception 5:41
2000-2002 / Source: Available for download in WAV format on the artist’s Soundcloud page
5 – The Forgotten City 9:23
2000 / Source: The artist
• Post-2000 Goa Tracks:
2001: ‘Boon Thoughts’, 9:28
2001: ‘The First Moon’, 7:49
• The artist was the founder of “Radical Motion” (1998-2001) and “Reunion Netlabel”, whose original idea was to “reunite” people from the 90’s Tracker Music Scene.
• Info/sample for ‘Namah Shivaya’; info for ‘The First Moon’ by Cosmogenesis
• Info/year/duration/samples for ‘Oxalic Acid’, ‘Sedate The Moon’, ‘Spiritual Apperception’, ‘The Forgotten City’ by Jonas Loman