Country: Denmark
Style: Goa Trance
Tracker Groups: Ambrosia, Cosmic Woodheads, Defiance, Depth, Fanatic, Most Valuable Playaz, Nah-Kolor, No Fear Productions, Phase Distortion, Sardonyx, Scalaris, Spazenauts, Sunday Coders, Tomato Dezign, Tomato Dreams, Trapped, X-Men
1 – Afterlife 6:47
1998 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
1998 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
2 – Mission Goa 6:44
1997 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
1997 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
3 – Planet Goa 2nd Stop 8:21
1997 or 1998 / Source: Once available on tracker sites
1997 or 1998 / Source: Once available on tracker sites
• Many non Goa tracks are available for download in the Amiga Music Preservation.
• Info/samples by Cosmogenesis