Country: Poland
Style: Goa Trance
Tracker Groups: Liberty, Rectangular Crisis, Suspend
1 – Break Down The Gravity 4:44
July 1997 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
July 1997 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
2 – Dust In Motion 3:58
December 1997 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
December 1997 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
3 – India X 4:12
April 1998 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
April 1998 / Source: Still available for download in .XM format in the Modland Archives
• Non Goa Tracks:
1996: ‘Forged Remembrances’, 3:07
1996: ‘Reinkarnacja’, 3:06
1996: ‘Reperkusja’
1997: ‘Generators’, 3:17
1999: ‘Twelve Mysteries Of Mr. Klex’, 5:03
199X: ‘Cobalt’, 3:05
199X: ‘Natural Sequences’, 5:02
199X: ‘Zywcem Go Nie Wezma’, 4:08
• Info/samples by Cosmogenesis