Psylent Buddhi

PsylentBuddhiKasper smugness Small
Country: Danemark
Tracker Groups: Ashrama, Stargaze

1 – Dripping Monotones  10:52
July 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


2 – Hallucinogenic  9:15
June 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


3 – Nataraja  8:15
June 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


4 – Noon Spectre 9:46
2000 / Source: Once available on Traxinspace


5 – Ojas Shakti (Comdis Remix)  7:44
1999 / Source: DJ Basilisk


6 – Om Mani Padme Hum  15:53
1999 or 2000 / Source: Once available on and Traxinspace / “As I recall it, it was released on (back when it was still very much bustling an vibrant community of musicians/trackers). Many years after that I gathered a bunch of tracks on a Psylent Buddhi compilation, which Alexander was kind enough to mention and link to on the Ektoplazm site”. ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ was produced using a combination of Impulse Tracker, Rebirth, SoundForge and some obscure softsynth I can’t remember the name of right now. If I remember correctly, I assembled all parts in ACID Music Studio. Quite a laborious process as I recall it”. [Kasper Wensgaard]


7 – Ripply 8:12
2000 / Source: Once available on Traxinspace


8 – Solar Groove  9:11
June 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


9 – Spaceforms (Sponged Out)  10:18
September 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


10 – The Mind Trick 
2000 / Source: Once available on Traxinspace


11 – Trancewaves  11:34
June 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


12 – Tribal Glide  7:34
September 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


13 – Turiya  9:03
August 1999 or earlier / Source: Still available as it. file


• Non Goa tracks:
1999-07-01: ‘Psylent Buddhi & NRGizer – Blue Rain’, 6:05
1999-07-26: ‘Psylent Buddhi & NRGizer – Take Control’, 5:01
1999-08-14: ‘Psylent Buddhi & NRGizer – Echotronic’, 4:46
199X: ‘Psylent Buddhi & NRGizer – Deep Space’, 6:20
• Psylent Buddhi is Kasper from Denmark. There exist at least a dozen more tracks by him (from 2000 to 2002 or so). Tragically, all the original WAVs were lost forever in a hard drive crash. [Ekto-Basilisk]
• Tracks ‘Dripping Monotones’, ‘Hallucinogenic’, ‘Nataraja’, ‘Solar Groove’, ‘Spaceforms (Sponged Out)’, ‘Trancewaves’, ‘Tribal Glide’, ‘Turiya’ were recorded at “The Temple Of Light – A Gate To Spiritual Enlightenment”.
• ‘Solar Groove’ is an ambient track; all other tracks are Goa trance.
• Original discogs page by Kwulf, updated by Cosmogenesis.

• Info/sample for ‘Ojas Shakti (Comdis Remix)’; trivia by Ekto-Basilisk
• Info/sample for ‘The Mind Trick’ by DJ Sunborn
• Notes; info/samples for the remaining tracks by Cosmogenesis

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