
Country: Denmark


1 – Shazbatt – Back To Tree  7:49
1999-2000 / Source: Wav file from the artist

2 – Shazbatt – Barbaric Yalp  7:59
1997-98 / Source: DAT

3 – Shazbatt – BZ 1 


4 – Shazbatt & Anesthesia – Johnny Floorfighter  8:00
1997 / Source: DAT / The original first version of the track that later released as Audio Massage Featuring Shazzbat – Greetings From Earth Capital

5 – Shazbatt – Lofty Bridge  8:11
1998 / Source: DAT

6 – Shazbatt – Mint Frenzy  8:15
199? / Source: DAT

7 – Shazbatt – Organic Deflection (Early Mix)  9:03
1998 / Source: DAT

8 – Tumult – 1st Try 7:59
1997 / Source: DAT

9 – Tumult – 2nd Try  8:14
1997 / Source: DAT

• “Tumult is Shazbatt first name! We didn’t know what to call ourselves so we started with Tumult, but after a month we changed it. Meanwhile a few DJ got the tracks and went to Goa with it (Byzough was one of them). I remember we were sitting with all manuals for the machines, JP8000, JV2080, YAMAHA sampler, YAMAHA pro-mixer and NORD LEAD 2, plus some other stuff. I think there is like 4 tracks out there with the name Tumult.” (Thomas Bekkar)
• “The track ‘Tumult – 2nd Try’ it is actually the ‘3rd Try’. The original ‘2nd Try’ is in fact the track ‘Lofty Bridge’, refined but totally identical, so there is no point to post it twice. Thus, i rename 3rd Try to 2nd Try.” (K. Sunborn)

• Info for ‘BZ 1’ by Eyal Ben-Or
• Info/source/sample for ‘Barbaric Yalp’ by DJ Jordan
• Info/source/sample for ‘Mint Frenzy’, ‘Organic Deflection’ by DJ Ludo
• Info/source/sample for ‘Lofty Bridge’, ‘Tumult – 1st Try’, ‘Tumult – 2nd Try’ by DJ Sunborn
• Trivia for Tumult; info/source/samples for ‘Back To Tree’, ‘Johnny Floorfighter’; Tracks confirmation by Thomas Bekkar

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