Pre-2000 Single Tracks
1 – The Cujorius One – A on É
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
3 – The Cujorius One – Acid Allergic 6:51
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1999 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
6 – The Cujorius One – All Aliens I Know Are Nice And Sensitive 9:58
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
8 – The Cujorius One – Aqualogic Mistryl 8:36
1999 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
Around 1999 / Source: Once available on MP3.com / Title variations: ‘A Ah Asca Visions’, ‘A?aHüasca Visions’, ‘RyaHuasca Visions’
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
12 – The Cujorius One – Dingo Time 4:06
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
13 – The Cujorius One – Dragon Disco 7:08
2000 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
1997 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com / Appears also as ‘Godning (O Barré)’
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
18 – The Cujorius One – Loose Rize
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
19 – The Cujorius One – Makaibari 10:47
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
1999 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1996 / Source: Available for listening on Cujo’s YouTube channel / “I finished the version that you hear on this video in 2000 when I got new equipment”.
2000 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
Post-2000 Single Tracks
27 – The Cujorius One – Darf With My Scoof (Version 1) 10:10
2001 / Source: MP3 sites / Sometimes misnamed as ‘Dwarf With My Scoof’
2001 / Source: MP3 sites
2001 / Source: MP3 sites
2001 / Source: MP3 sites
2001 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel / Listed also as ‘Fragile – Hallucinogens’
2006 / Source: The artist
2006 / Source: The artist
2001 / Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives / The track was previously titled as ‘Mad Dreams’ on DAT tapes / The track ‘Insane Dreamer’ which appears in the EP of the same name on Leviathan Records, is in fact ‘Intimidation’, published by print error.
2001 / Source: MP3 sites
36 – The Cujorius One – Mummi Murder (Version 2) 11:52
2001 / Source: MP3 sites
2001 / Source: MP3 sites
2001 / Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives / Also simply titled ‘Mummi Murder (Remix)’
2002 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
40 – The Cujorius One – Twisted Beats 6:13
2001 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
41 – The Cujorius One – Wannabeat 7:10
2003 / Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
42 – The Cujorius One – Paranormal Supersticious Param 7:29
Source: Once available on MP3.com
Source: Once available on MP3.com
Source: Once available on MP3.com
Source: Once available on MP3.com
46 – The Cujorius One – The Floating Freak 6:38
Source: Once available on MP3.com
47 – The Cujorius One feat Morten Sykic – Cacti Lemonade 7:09
2000 / Source: Once available on MP3.com / Listed also as ‘Cacti – Lemonade’
2000 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
2002 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
50 – Institut Für Bassforschung – Das Grosse Kumpo (The Cujorius One Remix) 6:33
2002 / Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
1997 / Source: Once available on MP3.com / “I don’t remember their name, they were Danish, but not someone who made it after the MP3.com era. I think one of them was called Michael, but I’m not sure anymore”.
Unreleased album: “Twisted Fairytales“
2002 / Was scheduled for a Liquid Audio Soundz release before Novatekk went bankrupt.
1 – Leaping Lab Rats 5:58
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
Source: Eventually released in the VA/Pulse 12 on Sub Terranean
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives / Appears in the unofficial Russian compilation VA/Dance Planet/Goa on AAA Music Publishing
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives / Listed also as ‘The Jerk Song’ / Was once planned to appear on a Com.Pact Records compilation
Source: Eventually released in the VA/ VA/Permutations on Zenon Records
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
EP1 – “Alien Snack Bar/Bugs In My Acid”
2002 / Was scheduled for a Leviathan Records’ release. Made with Yukio Bergholdt. Originally produced under the name ‘Yawn’, but planned as a ‘Cujorius One’ EP, then cancelled. ‘Bugs In My acid’ as Front Minimále in the VA/A Deeper View on Creamcrop records.
A – Alien Snack Bar 8:38
Source: Eventually released as Cujorius one in the VA/Undefined Emotional Frequencies on Leviathan Records
Source: Eventually released as Front Minimále in the VA/A Deeper View on Creamcrop records
2002 / Cancelled on Pinwheel Records
A – Go Griner 8:38
Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel / Listed also as ‘Toys – Masks’
2002 / “The unreleased remixes of ‘Make It Nation’ were meant to come out on a separate ‘Make It Nation EP’, which was cancelled when Leviathan went out of business”.
A – Make It Nation (Original Mix)
Source: Still remains unreleased
B – Make It Nation (Remix 1) 10:04
Source: Eventually released on the “Insane Dreamer” EP, but without the ‘Remix’ mention (“that was classical Leviathan back the no just do as they pleased”) / Also known as ‘Make It Nation (Master Mushie)’ or simply ‘Master Mushie’
Source: “The second remix was just a shorter version and a little slower if I remember correctly”
• ‘Insane Dreamer’ and several other tracks were part of a DAM CD album called “Dreams On The Run”(Cat n° 65573), probably from 2000. The artist recalled two more cds made with MP3.com back then.
• Identified and unconfirmed tracks:
1/The Cujorius One – Blurred Black: Unconfirmed.
2/The Cujorius One – Gelfing Gaggle (Marshall Remix), 8:47, 2002 : “I don’t know who made the remix.” It was initially assumed that Mindfly was the remixer, though the artist denied it: “The ‘Marshall Remix’ of ‘Gelfing Gaggle’ is unfortunately not by me. I remember starting my remix in Cubase, but as I came from Logic, I simply found it too difficult to do what I wanted to do with it, that I never got to finish it”. [Lars Knudsen]
3/The Cujorius One – Kaj & Andrea, 7:06, 2000 : “No such track with this name, the track referred to is ‘Dragon Disco’, which has a sample from Kaj & Andrea, but was by many just known as ‘the track with Kaj & Andrea'”.
4/The Cujorius One – PMS & PMS (Remix): Unconfirmed, “thought it sounds like a title I could have come up with back then”.
5/The Cujorius One – Shape Form Face: Unconfirmed.
6/The Cujorius One – Telepath, 3:49: Unconfirmed.
7/The Cujorius One – Twisted Fairytales, 10:10: A track with this name was downloadable on MP3.com according to the artist’s Music Center page. It was probably renamed as the artist kept the title only to name his unreleased album.
8/The Cujorius One vs Sykick – NN : This track, available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel, is actually the released track ‘Intimidation’ (see the “Insane Dreamer EP” story above).
9/Zerotonine – Rrrratoum (The Cujorius One Remix): “I never finished any of the tracks I worked on with Zerotonine and no remixes were ever made”.
10/There are at least 3 versions of an unreleased post-2000 remix of ‘Stereo Noise‘ produced by Nasa & The Gnome Effect.
1999-12-18 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
2000 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
1998 / Source: Once available on MP3.com
Source: Available for listening on YouTube user BIBA RECORDS’ channel
5 – Schrittgleiter – Zakkaria (Front Minimále Remix) 7:40
2001 / Source: MP3 file (192 kbps)
Cancelled EP: “Storyteller/Sphrinchles Spooks”
2002 / Source: Cancelled on Koyote Records
A – Front Minimále – Storyteller 7:45
Source: Eventually released in the VA/Perfect Evolution on Innersound Records
Source: Eventually released in the VA/Random on Koyote Records
• “‘Front Minimále’ is just me, but almost everything released from there was stuff originally made as ‘Cujorius One’ or ‘Yawn’ or others anyway, so it got messed up. I think ‘Go Griner’, ‘Japanic Elf’ and ‘Wrong Behavior’ were all originally made as Front Minimále, but ended as Cujorius One”.
1999 / Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives
1999 / Source: Still available for download in the IUMA archives / Listed also as ‘Lonesomeduc’
• “The name ‘Anormal Gisla Coil Dong’ was a joke with a guy from High school”.
• ‘Mobile Flower’, still available for download in the IUMA archives, initially appeared under the alias Anormal Gisla Coil Dong, but was eventually released as a Cujorius One track together with ‘The Shiva Rose’ on a limited EP called “Anjuna Selené“, on FreeFlower Records, in 2000.
Final Note
• There is in fact only one person behind all these various aliases & artist names: Bjørn Jacobsen : “Cujo A. Hora is and was my artist name back then, now I’m just Cujo, but some prefer Cujo A. Hora still. Barney Jacobs was actually my artist name BEFORE Cujo A. Hora, so when I was to release my first Cujorius One stuff officially, I wrote both names for some reason. And after that it was kind of a “joke” to say that Cujorius One was two or even three guys. But, correctly, then it’s Cujo A. Hora who is me, and Barney Jacobs and Nicolas Titti are the fictive ones now. Long story, but it’s all me”.
• The artist also had two more ephemeral aliases during the 90’s: Bindi Project, Standard Life.
• Original discogs page by Kwulf, updated by Cosmogenesis.
• Info for ‘A Ah Asca Visions’, ‘Anjuna Mystery’, ‘Intimidation’, ‘Kill Quasimodo’, ‘Return Of Gung – Gaga’, ‘Sofis Fears’, ‘Twisted Fairytale’; alternate name/source for ‘Mumi Murder (Remix)’, ‘Toys & Masks’; alternate name for ‘Fragile Hallucinogens’, ‘Cacti Lemonade’, ‘LoneSomeDuck’ by FTP
• Info for ‘A on É (Dj PrOd Mix)’, ‘Cacti Lemonade’, ‘Cleopatras Oddities’, ‘Elektra Matter’, ‘Fluffy Morgy’, ‘Mad Dreams’; info/samples for ‘Aqualogic Mistryl’, ‘Aram-Zasa’, ‘Darkest Jewell vs Space’, ‘Dingo Time’, ‘Fragile Hallucinogen’, ‘Funny Y Queer’, ‘Godning (O Barré)’, ‘Wrong Behaviour’, ‘Skizo Swipper’, ‘Acid Allergic’, ‘Gelfing Gaggle (Marshall Rmx)’, ‘Go Griner’, ‘Japanic Elf’, ‘Knowledge About How To Jerk Off’, ‘Leaping Rab Rats’, ‘Los Locos Locales’, ‘Makaibari’, ‘Psychic Beach’, ‘Zakkaria (Remix)’; duration/source/sample for ‘Darf With My Scoof’, ‘Dragon Disco’, ‘LoneSomeDuck’, ‘Mumi Murder (Remix)’, ‘Zakkaria (Remix)’; sample for ‘Sofis Fears’; actual track name/source/duration/sample for ‘LoneSomeDuck’ by Cosmogenesis
• Samples for ‘Das Grosse Kumpo’, ‘Elektra Matter’, ‘Fluffy Morgy’, ‘Skizo Swipper’ ; info/samples for ‘Penetrating Light’, ‘Popup Paranoia’, ‘Qubic Lights’, ‘Technoid’, ‘Wannabeat’, NN by BIBA Records
• Info for ‘Blurred Black’, ‘Darf With My Scoof’, ‘Das Grosse Kumpo Remix’, ‘Dragon Disco’, ‘Mumi Murder’, ‘Mumi Murder (Remix)’, ‘PMS’, ‘PMS Remix’, ‘Shape Form Face’, ‘Stereo Noise Remix’; Info/samples for ‘A on É’, ‘Scratches & Poodles’ ; year for all tracks; confirmations/identifications; notes/trivia for all projects, unreleased/cancelled releases and other remaining infos by Bjørn Jacobsen
• Comment for ‘Gelfing Gaggle’ (Marshall & Mindfly Remixes)’ by Lars Knudsen